All the projects carried out by Premier Group are based on efficiency, optimization of design and cost savings. Therefore, we can say that the most outstanding characteristics of the Premier Group are dynamism, adaptation to markets and the realization of projects suited to market demands.
Photovoltaic industry projects

History of Premier GROUP
Starting activity
Obtaining licenses in Spain for the first roof project over 1 MW.
Opening of our branch in Toulouse (France)
Obtaining the first tariff auction in France.
Opening of our branch in Sao Paulo Brazil.
Opening of delegation in New Delhi (India).
Start-up of the first 15 Mws plant in Rajasthan (India).
According to Phase 2 of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.
Obtaining the first energy auction in the State of Pernambuco (30MMws).
Opening of branch in Japan.
Obtaining the first PPA from a foreign company in Japan.
Opening of the delegation of Manila (Philippines)
Premier Brasil wins the cheapest PPA up to date in South America for its Tocantins project (Brazil).
Legalization of the first project of 30 Mws in Bogo (Philippines).
Reactivation of the market in Spain
Reactivation of the market in Italy.
Development of 2,5Gw of PV and Wind projects.
Developing a portfolio of 5,8 Gw.
Branch opening in Florida (USA) to develop projects in USA.
Our commitment to the world
Global level
We are a group present worldwide, active in Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, France, Turkey, India, Japan, Brazil and the Philippines. Since 2006, the group has developed more than 1 GW of projects, of which more than 500 MW have been materialized by our partners.
We are continuously looking for new opportunities in the emerging photovoltaic markets, such as Brazil or Southeast Asia.

Prefeasibility analysis

Measurement campaign

Electrical studies

Project engineering

Construction of the plant